MERN Stack Development Training in Rajpura

MERN Stack Development industrial Training in Rajpura | Patiala

MERN is open source stack to build dynamic website. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS. MERN allow developers to build web application in the shortest span of time with highly dynamic and interactive UI.

Erginous is fastest growing web development company company in Rajpura offering MERN stack development training. Erginous Technologies provides well structured MERN stack course as per industry standard that enhance students skill set. At Erginous students can work on real world exercise.

MERN stack developers demand increasing day by day in IT industry. Students who want start their career as a web developer its good opportunity to learn MERN stack from industry experts.

Erginous offers 6 weeks/3Months/6 Months industrial training of MERN stack development.

Getting Started

What is the MERN stack?


  • var, let, and const
  • import, export, and export default
  • Class
  • String interpolation
  • Array methods


  • package.json
  • commands
  • Installing packages
  • Script commands
  • Dependencies


  • Signing up
  • Understanding your connections string
  • Creating a database user
  • Be careful with your user name/ password


  • Introduction
  • Importing/Exporting data
  • Basic queries
  • Geospatial queries
  • Sorting


  • Installation
  • Building the starter app
  • Project structure
  • Adding components

Node & Express

  • The difference between Node & Express
  • Reading environmental variables


  • What is React?
  • What are the benefits of React?
  • Creating React components
  • JavaScript Syntax Extension, aka JSX
  • Prop and state


  • Introduction to Redux
  • Actions
  • Reducers
  • Store
  • Data Flow