PHP is one of the most popular language in IT industry now a days and thus the demand of PHP developers has been increasing in IT companies. So it's a great opportunity for students who want to make their career as a web developer in the IT industry.
If you are interested to start your career as a web developer in IT industries, its only possible through hard work and training which enhance your skills and place in IT sector.
Erginous Technologies is a mobile and web apps expert company, which provides PHP Training in Rajpura. Our PHP training module is for the duration of 6 weeks/6 Months Industrial Training.
We upgrade our PHP training module as per current industry requirements that will help students to enhance their skills and will enable them to get better opportunities.
Key Features:
- In-house placement opportunity.
- Live projects with experienced development team.
- Certification on completion of training.
- Exposure to the latest technologies with latest tools.
- Enhance your personal/professional skills.
- Personalized training support.
Introduction to HTML5 & CSS3 and Dreamweaver

- Introduction to HTML5 & CSS3
- Condition Checking (if, else if etc.)
- Loop Control (while, for, for each etc.)
MySQL Database

- MySQL Fundamentals
- MySQL Clients
- Data Types
- Creating Databases, Tables, Columns & Indexes
- Database Connectivity
- Normalization
- Fetching Data from Database
- Inserting Data into Database
- Updating Data in a Database
- Deleting Data from a Database
- DML Commands in MySQL
- Querying MySQL
- Advanced Queries
- Views
- Stored Routines
- Triggers
- Storage Engines
- MySQL Optimization

- Linux
- Apache
- Cloud Computing
PHP Functions

- Introduction
- Web Application Architecture
- PHP Fundamentals
- Variables & Data Types
- Expressions & Operators
- Control Structures
- Arrays
- Exception Handling
- IO Operations
- Collections
- Form Handling
- Session Management
- PHP with MySQL
- Working with Graphics
- PHP Extension and Application Repository
- Data Objects (PDO)
Use of jQuery & AJAX

- JavaScript Validation
- Introduction to JQuery
- Introduction to AJAX (using jQuery)
- 3rd Party JQuery Plugins (jQueryUI, Lightbox etc.)
- Introduction to XML / JSON
- Introduction to FTP
Module 2 - Advance PHP

In advance PHP we will cover open source publishing platform and CMS platform (Content Management System) which are powered by PHP, these are Web Application framework and data driven websites. Students will cover the in-depth knowledge and expertise to work on CMS, frameworks and will be able to create custom themes and web applications quickly.
- WordPress Internship Program
- Joomla Internship Program
- Magento Internship Program